How to choose displayed tracking attributes:
* when tracking, tap any of the currently displayed tracking attributes and choose a new one from the list

How to highlight a tracking attribute:
* when tracking, rotate the Apple Watch crown to choose which tracking attribute is highlighted with yellow colour (heart rate is highlighted with red)

How to enable water lock:
* when tracking, swipe to the pause/stop screen and tap the blue water drop icon

How to get my VO2-max prediction with Apple Watch to Sports Tracker?
* You should get the VO2 prediction after you have tracked at least 20min of outdoor walking and/or running with consistent heart rate measurement and location. If you don't get the Prediction within several attempts we recommend consulting Apple directly.

Why do I see my Apple’s Workout watch app workouts on my Sports Tracker account?
* All Apple watch activities tracked with Sports Tracker or Apple's Workout watch app are synced to Sports Tracker

Do I get my old Apple’s Workout watch app workouts to Sports Tracker?
* No. Only the workouts tracked after the "new connection" or after enabling Apple Watch syncing are imported to Sports Tracker.

Disabling Sync from Apple Watch:
* Open ST app on your iPhone, choose Profile > Settings and toggle Sync from Apple Watch off

How do I know which Apple Watch I have?
You can check it from Apple